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5 Things to Ask your Suppliers about Accommodation
(September 2021) Worker accommodation can be difficult for Australian companies to assess because although there is an increased risk of modern slavery where an employer provides accommodation, on-site accommodation is common in many countries across the world. We have collated some of our top questions to ask suppliers that provide accommodation to workers for you to use when assessing your entity’s supply chain risk.
5 Modern Slavery Risk Management Actions You Should Implement
(August 2021) With many Australian reporting entities preparing their second Modern Slavery Statements, we have gathered some key actions to enable entities to better manage risk and demonstrate continuous improvement. The experience we’ve gained from working with a vast range of organisations to develop and implement risk management programs has provided us with some great insights.
5 Ways to Adapt Whistleblowing Processes to Hear & Address Modern Slavery Grievances
(July 2021) The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) requires reporting entities to identify actions to assess and address risks, including due diligence and remediation. This doesn’t mean that businesses need to have a remediation process focused just on modern slavery. Consider the processes you currently have in place to address human rights and other business impacts.
Five Common Assumptions about
Modern Slavery Risk.
(June 2021) Modern slavery can be difficult to understand and define. This has led to assumptions being made about what slavery looks like and where it occurs. Learn about five common assumptions made by businesses when assessing modern slavery risk. Could these or similar assumptions be affecting your modern slavery due diligence program?
Five Things Leading Businesses are Doing to Prepare for Year Two Modern Slavery Reporting.
(May 2021) Having worked with many large Australian entities over the past 3-4 years to develop and implement modern slavery risk management programs, we have gained considerable insight into the key actions entities are taking to build on their modern slavery due diligence initiatives. We’ve shared our insights & provided a few tips on actions you can take in your second reporting year.
Five Things You Might Not Know About Modern Slavery
(March 2021) Modern Slavery is where vulnerable people are severely exploited - often by force, fraud, or coercion - for personal or commercial gain. It is estimated that 71% of people trapped in modern slavery are women and girls, and 1 in 4 are children. It has been described as one of the greatest human rights issues of our time. How much do you know about what modern forms of slavery look like?